yea i did say i was a supporter of marriges staying together, thats my biase....some people walk to quick some others stay too long, onlie you can decided. That being my biase rember its just my oppinion, i up front about so if people detect a biase tthen they dont need to wonder if its true it reallie is their.

all that being said angel its your life, yours not mine and you do what you feel is best for you. Afterall your the expert on this situasion how bad its been at times and how good its been, you know your limits and boundries and how far you have left to go.

in any and all respects i would support you regardless of what your desision is. married single, divorced dosent alter how or what i think of you theirs no judment in it. I onlie wish for your happiness and contentment wearever you find it.

take good care of yourself.

what are you doing dailie? can you work from wear you are or are you resting?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn