Just a suggestion but could be a nice motivator for some walkers/joggers...if you do track cumulative distance..then see about figuratively walking the length of your state or part of your nation.

One of my employers for an employee fitness program had a great program for tracking employee's cumulative jogging distance...by tracking mileage across our own province, ie. who travelled in total halfway across the province. That is thousands of kms.

I'm not a walker in the same sense as Dotsie, I just walk because I have to, because I don't have a car. I'm a cyclist.

In some years, I did cycle the total annual distance equal to distance of the length of Canada...that is over 5,000 kms. Other years were under or I exceeded.

Just think each group of steps each day, add up to something quite big.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)