Welcome char222. If you took an early retirement, I think you may be stuck at that rate. But, since there are widows benefits involved, I don't know how that works. You should speak to a tax accountant or tax attorney and find out the real deal. If you had not retired yet and were going to retire at 62, I know you would have had to take a reduced benefit and would not be able to change later. But, you would have had a choice of taking your own or half of your spouse's if it that amount was more than the whole amount of yours. I don't know that you have that choice now. You can find the social security website and look stuff up, but it is very confusing reading material. You can call them (and it sounds as though you already have) but, I still think it couldn't hurt to talk to an attorney, preferably a tax specialist. My husband retired a year ago and we've been through the which way to go stuff. I am turning 60 this month but do not plan to retire until I'm about 65. (Original plan was 62, but it ain't gonna work due to health insurance.)