Hi Ladies....just now when I have a wee moment..I thought I would take Dotsies advice and update on all the goings on here in Belfast...pre London in September.

One of the things that my new Tutor was realy buzzed about was one of my main themes..which is the transformational change in the 'Cutural landscape of Ireland'.

In my efforts to gain information to fit my ideas for a daily visual diary....I had to get meetings set up with various sides of the 'devide'.....another great passion and part of my spiritual life is tied with Ballycastle...where I have worked for 25 odd years as a vol...and is the home of the seventh wonder of the world...'The Giants Causeway'

One of my main peices of art work in progress is a version of 'The Causeway'....only I am using plastic/rubber bullets to create a three d image of it...play on the words, ie...'The Cause'...a quick way for explaining what has been going on in Northern Ireland for 30 odd years...yes, it is quite a stark image of our past, but one I feel strongly enough to produce. I have chatted with 'The relatives for justice' who want to comission the peice(that's there main area of contention as nineteen died(including nine children) as a result of the bullets which were not meant to mame or kill!!!The images I have obtained are harsh...but so was the use of such weapons.

My second peice is more optimistic...It involves another play on words...'evoloution...devoloution 1916-2007' In this I have a photo of an old mangle, with a political figure(not chosen yet) churning sheets of 'propoganda' from the dates just mentioned...all past and strident imagery from then until now...working on hope for the future.

My third peice was more difficult to get my head around as it was neccesarry for me to find imagery that would reflect the protestant lifestyles/identity in a positive light!!! Every one I spoke to(protestants included) could not tell...or point me in the direction of such a request and it became apparent that it is because an identity does not exist....yet!!!

So my formative idea is to use the gestation period of a child in it's moms womb...and work on the 'culture and identity' being re-born or newly born into a new and aspiring way of life. This is where I start to learn from the outside in re jewellry and design( as I already possess many tec skills in the craft)

So, these are the things I have been working on from my interview. I have been seeking out bullets, taking photos...noting down processes. Putting together a course for a community project in my home town which I will teach..(if I get the time!!)I also need to become a photoshop wiz!!!!(help)
I hope it makes some sense to ya'll

Much Love

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love