Angel a chara...that is a Mae West quote..right. She's one of my icons!!!
Celtic has been very clever today and made herself scarce..that way it cuts down the ammount of time she would have to listen to me come up with ludicrous reasons as to why I could not go through with, she is a smart one to be sure.
So, I guess that leaves my real time sister( my fav one) and all my cyber sisters...and Mom who have to here read my mildly neurotic rambling...sorry!
There I 'called it' in public...voicing it means that those type of thoughts lose their power in my gone now!!! Lol.
I am visiting my peeps tomorrow, my sis is doing dinner for that will take my mind away from worrying myself into a state. I also have to see the man who first taught me when I was fifteen!! He has a box of my prized first peices which I though were sold when the workshops that is gonna be amazing and a right ole trip dowm memory lane as he is a photographer and has photo's of all our major family events from about 85 until mid 90's.
Celtic will have a hoot at those!!
If the stuff is as good as I remember...I will post some photo's on Sunday night

Gotta run for now...thanks again Ladies

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love