Hi all…I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this or not…it really doesn’t seem like mental illness…so I though Fine Whine might be better…here goes…

I recently read that 85% of our population has issues with self-esteem in at least one area of their lives…I know that I certainly have had mine…and still do, for that matter…I know that in working with coaching clients…and just talking with friends…that almost everything we’re going through usually boils down to a low self-esteem in that area.

For most of my life…my issues were around relationships…and wa-la…the quality of my relationships mirrored my own sense of self-worth…but…it didn’t stop there…it never does…the proverbial bad apple…before too many years…it spilled over into my relationship with money…and even my beliefs in my professional abilities…and I sort of hit a personal rock bottom…

Obviously…that wasn’t where I wanted to be…I’ve spent several years building self-esteem…I’ve read so many good books…listened to good tapes…prayed…done affirmations…acknowledged my actions…practiced gratitude…journaled…those are the kinds of things that work for me…

What I’m wondering…what works for you…what kind of practices do you do now…or did in the past…to build your self-esteem…did you have an Ahh-Ha moment that changed your opinion of yourself…that kind of thing…

I am considering doing a Bertha series on this…and would like as many different insights as possible…

Jane Carroll