I came across the new Chicken Soup for the Soul in Menopause book. I of course bought it! I have read several of the stories and they are really funny. The cartoons are hilarious! I am going to pick up a copy for one of my sisters this week. Just this week, her doctor confirmed she's not crazy, she's in menopause. I too have been dealing with some of these issues this week. I have been very moody lately, I feel like I have PMS more often than not and have those days when I want to run away from it all.
I had lunch with my friend Maggie. What would I do without her? She's 7 years ahead of me and it on the back side of menopause. I was having a particularly bad day, really down on myself so we arranged to have lunch. I was telling her I kept having those thoughts....I don't want to be anyone's wife, mother, employee, etc. I just wanted to check out for a while, run away somewhere. She knew exactly how I felt. I could remember times when she would call me sobbing and feeling the same way. I felt so much better after lunch, I still wanted to run for the hills, but I resisted the urge.