My friends have suggested I write a book about my dating experiences. Here are a few:

The pastor of my old church fixed me up with his x-bil, who lived about 4 hours away. We talked a lot on the phone for several weeks and he seemed intelligent and was a believer. But this guy asked me to marry him before he ever met me in person. NOT!

One time I was shopping with a guy I had been seeing about 1 month and he shoplifted right in front of me. I ended the relationship of course. He said I was being judgemental!

I dated a guy during the Christmas season, but it fizzled out because he wasn't available on the weekends. ??? Several months later I received a call from a woman who said she found my number in her fiance's planner and wondered how I knew him. I said, oh I dated him at Christmas time (he bought me a present, was very aggressively pursuing, except for his unavailability).
She started crying and said they were getting engaged during that time. I hope she didn't marry him, I never heard anything.

Then there was the worst 1st date of all time. I didn't trust this guy enough to allow him to pick me up, thank goodness, so I met him at the restaurant. In our conversation re divorce, etc., he learned I was a Christian. He started saying horrible things about Jesus, such as He hung out with hookers, etc., and I tried to explain why I appreciated the fact that Jesus accepts sinners, but he kept on slandering Him. I simply stood up (to his horror) and said, "You know, I don't like you," and walked out.

Have any of you single ladies had dating nightmares? Or am I the only weirdo magnet? Please note, these have happened over the years and not all last month.