Gals, its celtics' wee nature to underplay some of these types of things. If it were me, I would have been panicing like no gals business. She is back in bed now (gets up for a wee cuppa and a wee hug and is too sleepy for much else)
Yeah, of course I am petting the life out of her..but she doesn't 'do' the staying in bed resting long!!!! I will put my foot down!

I see above she was talking about wood-pigeons...well I better tell ya before Celt feels weel enough to poke fun at me!! Every year, for about the past three or four years...I have had the same mammy wood-pigeon come to nest near the back of my house. I named her Mrs Hoe Hoe..and would watch her get ready to nest, feed her wee ones and then teach them to fly. I discovered that throwing out bits of bread would bring her to the back fence of my house...but if I threw her currants, raisins and apricot...(and custard cream buscuits!!)she would endeavour to come as close as the back door(which my grannie used to say was lucky for the year ahead). One of her little ones flew in through the window of the kitchen and was pretty stunned...I simply and calmly too it outside and set it near my tree where it's mama could see and call(reassure) it. I stayed until the little one found it's nerve and flew to mama. I also gave another one of her babies mouth to mouth after a bad flight...but that wee one didn't make it and I was heartbroken. (I did revive one before!!)
Celt thinks I am nuts!!! Well maybe I am...I just have a wee soft spot for wood-pigeons

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love