I'm a Cancer as well, Chatty!

I remember being at a fair when I was about 15 years old, and convinced my Mom to let me get my "sign traits" from a machine there. She told me it was a waste of money, but let me do it anyway. I was ASTOUNDED beyond words how accurate that machine was - it was the first time in my life up to that point that anyone (or in this case, anything) had understood me! I remember it was quite liberating to see "me" in print like that, and it sort of validated me. Up until then I had been feeling very much a disastrous mishap of nature, to the point of questioning whether everyone would be better off if I just disappeared.

Somehow, strange as it sounds, this little "sign trait" machine gave me a sense of validation.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)