
Metabolically, we are all changing daily. Our hormones flunctuate and in men "of a certain years" they experience this just as women do - only it is less talked about. There are substances - natural and man-made - that we might not have not ever had a reaction to until an exposure sometime later down the line is countered by a different set of hormone levels in the body.

From what you have said, your husband has now become REACTIVE to the Beclomethasone. it is now longer beneficially to him.

As gently as possible, continue to recommend a change - I know our entire family has seen marked benefits of using NASONEX nose spray. (We had also no results with Flonase) That is something that can be done from a MEDICATION stand point.

BUT we have also done the following for lifestyle/environmental changes:

Purchased a SEBA Vacuum cleaner w/ a hospital grade filtration system. It has ease of movement transitions immediately going from hardwoods to our carpets. The attachments extend and retract and it has an excellent warranty. It is pricey - and was my husband and mine valentine's gift to each other (trust me, you need to BREATHE in order to really enjoy one this vacuum was the gift that keeps on giving.) - but we have also bought and "killed" 3 vacuums in the last 5 years that just couldn't keep up with daily vacuuming - so the cost-to-benefit was no question for us, it was worth the investment.

We clean our carpeted areas every six months by a company called ZEROREZ - which does not use chemicals only natural enzymes in a "charged water" type cleaning.

We have an air filter in our house that has I believe a 10+ layer filtration process that allows it to filter out the majority of the impurities while allowing us to clean the air filter itself every month using water. (we got ours from Zerorez )

We had our allergies tested - both seasonal, environmental and food - to determine if we were contributing to our symptoms.

What do you know, we were.

These allergy tests are comprehensive and uses little needles that have samples of the allergent on the tip and then after a certain period of time the "whirls/swirls" (whorls?) are evaluated and then it is determined what you are allergic to and to what extent.

For example, I am allergic to almost every tree in the Dallas area - which explains why last year I declared myself, at our first fall here - to be "Allergic to Dallas". My voice was gross and so was the stuff I was hacking up. And since I sing and do public speaking - I couldn't do that, I can't have allergies affecting my voice.

A remedy that I heard about last year, but didn't believe until THIS year when all of the pollen seasons hit and I have had little if any symptoms is EAT THE LOCAL HONEY.

Eat the local honey.

Sounds crazy, but it is true. If you eat the local honey from your IMMEDIATE area (30 - 40 mile radius) you will be building up an immunity to the pollen allergants...sort of like "nature's allergy shots". The bees use the pollen, process it, and if it is NATURAL/Pure honey (like the ones from North Dallas Honey Co. for me) then you get nature's allergy shot every time you add honey instead of sugar to teas, cereals, sandwiches and recipies. I consume roughly 4-5 tsp. of honey a day instead of sugar and I know it has helped my seasonal allergies. Same is true for my daughter who is allergic to just about everything green out there, but LOVES the great outdoors. Every day she eats a Natural Peanut Butter and Pure Honey sandwich.

If there are proactive steps that can be taken to identify and reduce or eliminate the things your husband is allergic to then he won't have to be reactive to symptoms and to take medications that have harmful side effects to have relief.

Modern medicine misses out on the fact that we can make informed choices once we have all of the information. Whether we choose to get relief and get better or choose to suffer is up to us.

i.e. My being allergic to cats does not prevent me from having a cat - I simply ensure that my kitty cat Hobby no longer thinks that it is okay to sleep on my pillow! Which used to be his FAVORITE napping spot - and I had no clue why I was waking up feeling stuffy and congested. lol

Bookie, having had cortisone steriods for the surface treating of many things (allergies, psoriasis/seborrhea dermitis) I am finding that most of what is actually CAUSING these symptoms with me had more to do with allergies/food sensitivies than any metabolic imbalance that cortisones could actually fix. The bad thing about Cortizones is that they deplete the processes of many of the natural systems of the body: endocrine and adrenal for example - the body does not even TRY to heal itself and because of this the problems will get worse.

Hope that helps...bottom line - get full allergy tests (usually takes a couple visits) for diagnosis of seasonal, environmental and food allergies. Analyze foods - if eating a lot of things that are processed instead of natural - organic, consider switching - some preservatives and foods interact adversely with prescription medications...

and Eat the Local Honey. =)