Dianne, He has also tried flonase and it did nothing for him.
According to my doctor nobody should use nasal sprays. Saline ok but not OTC or even prescription nose sprays. They may provide temporary relief but they also do damage to the sensitive nose lining.

I guess something that I said last night got through to him. At least he read the article about the beclomethazone that threw at him when he told me...."When you become an MD maybe I'll listen to you but until then you don't know what your talking about."

Husband has an appointment with the VA Dr on Monday. He told me today that he is going to take the article to them and see what they have to say....well...
That is the closest he will ever come to telling me that I could be right about something.. So, we shall see.

Will keep you posted. Thanks for your input.

[ October 20, 2005, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Bookie ]