I've been thinking way too much tonight! Just one post has made me think about so many things!!!

It's coming up on the 17th anniversary of my father's death on August 19th.

I wonder if anyone else has had this happen to them after losing a loved one.

The night before my dad died--I had just gone to bed. It was eerily quiet & the train at the end of the block came thru. It was a long-loud whistle. (the superstition in my family about the sound of a train whistle can signal death.)

The next morning my father died.

I don't recall if it was that night--or sometime during the wake & funeral. Once again I had just gone to bed--and I heard a sound. Someone walked across the bedroom floor (ours wasn't too sturdy & made noise) & stopped at the foot of my bed. I could "feel" someone there.

Many years later on Easter Sunday, my husband & I were going to my mom's house. Nobody was on the road---as we drove along the road...I could see a man in the distance.

As we got closer I could see he was wearing the exact outfit my dad always did--when we got right on top of the man--he turned around and looked at me. It was my father.

I almost drove off the road!!! I asked my husband if he just saw a man by the fence & he said yes.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
At the time it freaked me out & I didn't tell anyone for years!!!