
You will always be "listened to" and "heard" on these forums. It's refreshing.

Sometimes there are things we want to talk about, but not with people who "really know us". LOL. Though we become known in this group - it is different. It's a "supportive, loving, non-judgemental" kind of being known.

Fancy that.

I'm sorry about your marriage. That is so hard. My DH and I have come a long way in 20 yrs. We had a blow up the other night (which we NEVER have) I was pmsing it, felt like all day everyone was demanding stuff from me, and we had a small (but loud) arguement. Well, I went to bed, my miserable sniffly self (back to him), he turned over, kissed me on the neck, and told me he was sorry for being an ass. Wow. I can count in twenty years how many times he has appologized...and it's been...once. Now, that's growth

I made it a point to thank him the next day - I told him it ment alot to me.

My marriage has not always been easy - my husband has talked about "running away" for years. I've just loved him, and loved him, and loved him.

I told him last thanksgiving, that if I had a magic wand, and I could change anything, that it would be that he would adore me, and think I was the worlds greatest wife. I also told him in the next breath, that in 5 years (when our last child is gone) that we can renogitate our marriage contract, and if he is still miserable, that we can go our own ways.

That was kinda of a turning point for us. I'm building a business that will give us (or me) financial freedom - and honestly, if he doesn't want to be with me - I would rather be alone to enjoy the fruits of my labor!

I don't believe I would ever re-marry. I've got girlfriends and batteries. LOL did I say that outloud. sorry! rofl

hugs of encouragement,

p.s. see in the single section the list of why most of us would never remarry.