Today is Alicia's birthday. She is the middle child who often felt unnoticed and left out I'm sure. If she could only know how much I love her and how precious she is to me.

I wish there was a way to infuse your children with so much love that there would never be a doubt in their minds about how much you adore them and how wonderful you think they are.

One way I've found to let my girls know how special their birthdates are to me is each birthday I call them or if I'm with them, tell them their birth story. "On this day 28 years ago, I was in the labor room at such and such hospital...they had hooked me up to the drip and I was just starting to feel deep labor...three hours later you were born,,,etc,etc."

They always say, "Oh, Mom..." but I know they love it. I hope they know there's nothing I wouldn't do for them and with my youngest, I think I've proved it.

What special ways do you have to let your children know how much you love them?
Aarikja Ann