Dotsie asked if I'd share a bit more about my--ahem--physical condition, and I figured it really didn't belong in our hairstyle thread, so I'm posting here.
Basically around three-and-a-half years ago, I started having some female troubles. Figured it was that "age and stage", but had a minor operation to correct things. Didn't really help, so I had a second surgery. That helped for a while, then things got worse and worse. By that point I had grown a cantaloupe-sized fibroid on the front of my uterus, which promptly also attached itself to my bladder, and there was a secondary grapefruit-sized fibroid hidden behind the melon. We were trying to avoid more surgery, and were working with medication/chemicals. But finally, continuous hemorrhaging took me dangerously low in red cells (hemoglobin went to around 7, and didn't come back, so we were looking at transfusions) it was decided that there was no avoiding a hysterectomy.
I was always assured it was NOT cancer. However, when the pathology came back on the uterus, it was cancerous. My doc said he suspected it when he saw it, but he knew better than to say anything to me until he had proof from the lab. (He actually had them run it twice before telling me.) It was stage 1 endometrial cancer. I honestly don't think I had cancer during the whole couple year adventure, or it would have been much worse. I think I just had a series of unfortunate related problems that ended with cancer.
As for the shoulder, we still don't know what happened there. I had been taking it very easy since my surgery (6 months ago) but I kept noticing that my shoulder hurt badly at night. Sometimes, the pain from rolling over on it would wake me out of a dead sleep and it was miserable--much more so than the surgery recovery. So, I go in for a MRI and it shows that the shoulder is a mess with inflammation, scar tissue, bone spurs, and wonder of wonders, a torn rotator cuff. So, I went under the knife for a second time in 6 months, bringing my three-and-a-half year total to 4--count 'em 4--surgeries.
Okay, so let me continue the whine...though they can't say for sure what caused it (they suspect the treatments and surgeries) I ended up with a condition called hemolytic anemia. They treated that with steroids and immunosuppressant drugs.
Though I am now officially in remission, I do have to be careful about catching diseases. Hence, I mostly stay home (and on the computer.) The weird thing is, I actually feel pretty decent, healthwise. I do hate the weight the steroids packed on me, but as long as I can get back to normal by my birthday (I want to fifty and fine) I'm going to try to take it all in stride.
I figure if none of this stuff (not to mention the other stuff that happened before and during) killed me, then there must still be an unrealized purpose for my being here. God, or the alignment of the stars, or my family, or my friends will eventually reveal to me "that which I need to know." In the meantime, I'm trying to wait patiently and be grateful that each day that passes brings me one more towards the five year cured mark. And that's enough for now...