I'm big on red -- always get compliments when I wear red so I wear it a lot!! Almost never wear yellow, green, or brown shades, although a deep forest green is ok on me. Lots of black and grey in my wardrobe too -- great for traveling, it mixes and matches well. I can wear shades of peach well, but not too crazy about pink. Deep purples are ok on me too.
I love tropical, Hawaiian prints for tops -- don't know if it's the Florida influence or just me. Lots of times I'll put a solid tank, camisole or t-shirt under a Hawaiian print shirt that has the matching color in the print. Don't know what it is about those tropical prints -- they're just always bright and cheery (although I am kinda picky about them.......some of them are just TOO wild)
For the gym it's almost always dark on the bottom half (black, navy,dark gray) and anything goes on the top half -- my gym tops are a rainbow of colors, whatever strikes my mood in the morning..........

Edited by CrosstitchQueen (03/01/07 01:13 PM)