For the past 2 decades, I tend to prefer clear jewel tone colours that are rich/deep or bright-rich that is close to my face/upper body. Such as ultramarine/royal blue, certain reds (particularily scarlett red, red-orange), rich dark bright purple/mauve, yes I can/do wear fuschia pink and coral pink.

I have naturally black hair and with my colouring I should be wearing colour tones that take advantage of it. Will wear certain types of pastels.

Browns must be rich looking. light bright creme white or light bright grey. Otherwise slate grey just looks awful against my skin tone.

And I seldom wear fabrics with patterns anymore. Now 90% of my wardrobe are solid colours, with some interesting embossed textile or textures sometimes for interst.

THe older I get, it seems the clearer/simpler and purer in colours I want to wear. No muddy or dusky shades unless the shade is on the pale, light side.

ANd I do ear some neon yellow/green tops...I have 3 jackets and cycling top that fits this bill. I have no compromises when it comes to my life safety. But it is a colour that can look sharp on anyone with dark hair. And it is a colour right now, that can make you look younger/hip/active...if you engage in any form of sport. Who cares if you are announcing your presence?