Hi everyone,
I recently came across this post on another website forum which was posted by 'lookingfor' Some of you may already know about it, but I'm hoping it may help some readers. There is a 'part 2' at the bottom of this page where a guest replies to the original post. It may also help.

The post reads:
Attention "Baby Boomers" There is a well hidden benefit through the Dept of Veterans Affairs called S-38- “Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit.” It can represent up to $20,000 a year to help take care of our parents, as many of us are now faced with acting in the capacity of caregivers.

If one or both of your parents were in either the Korean War or WWII, this information could prove to be a vital resource for you.

I discovered this benefit at the passing of my father and in having to move my mother to another assisted living facility. Had I known of this benefit during the 7 years both my parents were in assisted living facilities, it would have represented well over $160,000 to help meet their needs, which exhausted family members who had to step up.

The day I learned of this benefit, I fell to my knees in gratitude, as my sister and I were at our wits end with trying to cover the $1,000 a month she was short for all her care, and we had no place to turn.

There is a high percentage of the elderly in this country who served in WWII or the Korean War, and that means there is an extraordinary amount of individuals who are eligible for this benefit, which would to our might explain why it is kept so quite and away from those who stand to benefit the most.

What a disgrace it is that we talk about honoring our Veterans, build memorials, have parades, and then withhold such critical information that would allow most to live above their current standard. Where is the dignity in all this?

The requirements for eligibility are:

Any War Veteran with 90 days of active duty, 1 day beginning or ending during a period of War, is eligible to apply for the Aid & Attendance Special Pension. A surviving spouse (marriage must have ended due to death of veteran) of a War Veteran may also apply. The individual applying must qualify both medically and financially.
To qualify medically, a War Veteran or surviving spouse must need the assistance of another person to perform daily tasks, such as eating, dressing, undressing, taking care of the needs of nature, etc. Being blind or in a nursing home for mental or physical incapacity, or residing in an assisted living facility also qualifies.
To qualify financially, an applicant must have less than $80,000 in assets, EXCLUDING their home and vehicles.

I personally filed and was awarded this benefit on behalf of my mother as the widow of a WWII Veteran, and am appalled at what I learned during this process. Talk about an injustice to those who defend our freedom.

In memory and honor of my parents, I created a website dedicated to this benefit with the hope of being able to make a difference for someone else. I've walked in these shoes, and know the heartache when faced with these difficult decisions.

If you think you might be able to take advantage of this benefit, please visit www.veteranaid.org. for a more detailed explanation of the benefit, and how it works.

It is my sincere hope that you, or someone you love, will find you have better choices that honor “service and sacrifice.”

The reply reads:
Hello, I just want to say that there are organizations that will prepare and submit the paperwork for vets to obtain this benefit. There is also a company in Oak Brook, Illinois that will help the vet and their family to 'restructure' the vets assets so the vet can qualify for the benefit. You can write to me at "decomylove@aol.com" to obtain more information about these services. I will be meeting with the agents regarding the restructing the week of March 12, 2006 and will have more information after that. Thanks. Cathyann DeLarche

The above posts are located here:http://www.boomernet.com/pn/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=12
Best Wishes,
The Secret Part II: http://takeaction.thesgrprogram.com
For U.S. Baby Boomers: www.babyboomerexpress.com