Hannilore, what if that one action (putting him on medication) would have changed the course of his life? That's what scares me! Our youngest daugher has our oldest grandson on a medication for ADHD (not Ritalin, but a newer drug). It has changed his personality, dramatically. What if the person he was destined to be has now been altered. I hate the thought. His over-achieving school pushed my daughter and husband into taking drastic measures - drug based measures with threats of holding him back and/or putting him in special ed classes. He has been tested for dyslexia, not the extensive testing celtic has been through, tho. I think his test only took a couple of hours. How can one, especially a school worker, make a solid determination as to where his problems lie, in such a short period, with crude testing methods, under stressful circumstances, and with a school standard pressing them to make him conform!? This really p***es me off. According to some, he is afflicted with ADHD (current prescribing psychiatrist), ODD (his first pediatric psychiatrist) dyslexia (per school testing) and general learning disabilities (per last year's and current teachers). This is an extremely bright kiddo (I'm not speaking from a biased viewpoint, either).
But, with his medication, he seems so dulled... I can't think of a better word. His personality, his actions, his speech, his dismeanor, etc..
Yes, his grades have improved, but at what cost? What are grades, anyway? A way to measure me to you? Old school gone wrong!

If only there was a way to reach all children with all special needs!