Okay, I will tell you what I know. Not much! LOL

ADD or ADHD is generally treated with medication. Ridelin is still the most popular drug. In some cases it works beautifully and kids have great outcomes. For others, it causes a lack of appetite (or worse) and can be frustrating for the child. Classroom teachers are not trained to deal with severe cases of ADD and often these children become behavioral problems. Classrooms are unfairly packed with students, especially in very rural areas and in large metropolitan schools. Ah, a bit of my frustration is coming through here.

ODD (oppositional defiant disorder - I hate this name) again is treated mainly with drugs.

OCD (compulsive behavior like Dianne's counting) is usually treated by professionals, not schools. I think it is important to have therapy for this (and most disorders) but schools generally do not have problems with these students, so little is done by the schools.

Making everything even more difficult is the fact that seldom is a student diagnosed with only one disorder. There are so many kids with mulitiple diagnosis, or alphabet soup disorders , often they only get help for one and the other gets ignored.

Okay, that is all I got, girlfriend.
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