Hey New Leaf --
sounds good to me! I'm tied up this weekend and the following one (headed out of town to one of husband's fishing tournaments) but I'll email you when I get back and maybe we can meet up one Sunday at the Flea Market.

Don't know what Orchid's reply will be, but from what I've read, regarding the cottage cheese legs........if you're talking about cellulite, nothing really gets rid of it. Toning up the muscles underneath and losing weight helps to tighten the skin and makes the cellulite not as noticable. (Kind of the same thing the lotions that are supposed to remove cellulite do.....tighten the skin and fill in the gaps) If by cottage cheese legs you just mean no muscle tone......well yea biking would definitely build some muscle!!

I'm headed to the gym for half an hour on the elliptical and half an hour on the treadmill.....going to go get rid of some of my own cottage cheese......