orchid, your outing sounds out of this world. I hope you don't take your surroundings for granted. Oh how I'd love to repeat that morning with you. It sounds perfect, doesn't it ladies?

Queenie, praying that's the first of many overnights with the princess. Have you thought about writing about your get-togethers to give to her one day? What a gift that would be. Even if you just take notes for now and write more later.

Hannelore, I love dancing children. My sister recently showed me pictures of her granddaughter dancing and she looked so innocent, sweet, and full of life. I would definitely have gathered to share in the joy had I been in the area. Sounds like a lovely intergenerational gathering. I hope you took pictures of the four generations of women.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.