Friday night my grandbeauty, Lea, spent the night with Big Mamma for the first time. I wasn't prepared for it all. First of all, her MAMMA called me at 11:00 that night wanting to know how she was doing. I said fine, she asleep. She's doing fine. Mamma said, "Well, I'm not." Oh geeish. The baby is fine but her Mamma was missing her. I told her to take two aspirins and call us in the morning. She did, at 8:00 o'clock.

The next day I decided I needed more Lea time so she stayed the day. While I was rolling my hair, I THOUGHT she was watching Sponge-Bob. She was too quiet at one point, so I went to check on her. She had an entire jar of Ponds cream on her face and was about to eat some of it. We spent some time cleaning that up and giving her a lesson about how bad things like would taste and hurt her tummy. THEN...She decided to stand there and watch me put on makeup. I looked down and she had taken my eye-liner pencial and drawn a map over her entire face. It looked like Mapquest.

I put her on the counter where I could see her every move and finished getting ready. When I was done, she said, "Gan Maw, oou are bootiful." I took her to Wal-mart and bought her stuff.