My day yesterday --

Took the dogs for a walk,then a quick stop at craft store, headed to gym for hourlong BodyPump class, grocery store, delivered groceries to neighbor, cooked a casserole and baked a cake, delivered dinner to neighbor, did laundry, etc. It was one of those days when I didn't sit down from the time I got up til I went to bed.....even ate my lunch standing up, while I was cooking the casserole for our dinner.
Today will be much more relaxed!!
Hey New Leaf you're just down the road from me. My younger dog is a handful on walks.....any time you want to borrow her, let me know. She's just a small beagle, but if she sniffs a squirrel (or any other critter) you'd better hang on for dear life. It really becomes an aerobic workout sometimes...I guess that's good for me & her.......