Thank you, ladies!

Lola, I attempt to connect with my nieces when they visit and over the phone as they live in GA.

Hannelore, key point in being responsible for my happiness and “the way you allow yourself to be treated.”

Dianne recommended and I’ve been reading “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, which on page 83 suggests to ‘stop being offended’ because ‘that which offends you only weakens you.’

Chickadee, thank you for the prayers! Yes, I’ve had a heart-to-heart with my mother, and is basically boiled down to I was always wrong and cheap! Her best friend has money as does her children, thus she prefers their company.

JawJaw, that’s exactly it, she knows she can hurt me and chooses to, which is not a motherly instinct. Your father is right; by reacting to another I allow them to have control.

Dotsie, thank you for suggesting the book ‘Taking Care of Your Parents When They Didn’t Take Care of You,’ I’ll check it at the library!

Gimster, maybe our mothers should hang out with each other, wonder if that might be the SOLUTION! Let them have a taste from the same spoon! I’m sorry that your mother is controlling, too!

Celtic, my mother only lives 10 miles (7 km) away, wishing it were a ferry boat’s distance, tho!

Orchid, I don’t have a close relationship with my siblings, yet I’ve learned to be polite as they can be argumentative. I believe this is stoked by our differences, they having children (one sister is married, the other a want-to-be hippy wild child w/ 4 children and several boyfriends), while I continue my education (they think its stupid) and have freedoms not involving children.

NewLeaf, I absolutely agree that I can respect her position and love her, just don’t like her!