Hi ladies! I've been contacted by a reporter from a Chicago newspaper who is doing a story for their women's pages about menopause and how women today are dealing with everything. If you have experienced anything menopausal, please answer the following questions. I need your answers by 10am Pacific time on Wednesday 2-21. Thanks!

1. What symptoms are you experiencing with menopause?

2. What steps have you taken to deal with these symptoms?

3. Do you trust your doctor to give you the best info, or do you see other sources on your own?

4. If you use other sources to learn about menopause and make decisions that might be different than what your doctor recommends, what are those sources?

5. What do you think is different about YOUR menopausal years as compared to your mother or grandmother?

6. What is the one worst thing you can think of with menopause?

7. Are there any good things that come with menopause?

8. How do you mentally handle all the things your body is going through?

Thanks ladies! Hope you have time to answer some of these questions for me. I'll let you know when/if/where this story runs. The reporter found me through my website and was intriguied that I had built a business around my experiences with menopause.
