hi cooper i just posted back to you in the writters section on gratitude...just letting you know that when i posted that i didnt know you had posted heer, no worries about the last post i just infoming you of the order they are comming in.

he may be mad and i am sure it upset you and you may still be scared...

the order as you say and possibly fear might make him madder. On the other hand its a big indicater that you wont stand for this behaviour and offers you some protestion legally. On the other hand it might be the wake up call he needed and deserved thse conciquinces for his actions to stop this behaviour before it became a habit or damaged you emotionally or physically to any furtheir degree than the level and spectrium of emotions that you ar feeling.

i have had to take an order out in the past, it was a difficult process to go throw at the time and the future didnt look to bright...but it brought about a positive effect for my life in the long run.

Splitting up with a parner is always hard mentally and emotionally even physically (rember to eat and rest when you can) The added shock and presure of the recent outburst just adds to that weight of the situasion...good luck and god bless getting throw your days....everything changies and for you i hope it changies for the better.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn