**getting up on soapbox**

To avoid constipation, take magnesium with the calcium, this is a MUST. The calcium will be better absorbed also.

Doctors in the US tell women to take up to 1800 mg of calcium, but in my research, the stupid idiot doctor that started all that, was lying. Much like the ahole that said he did all kinds of research on stem cell research just to get grant money, [he's now in prison].
It's a LIE. more calcium is NOT necessary and if you take too much, it can cause kidney stones because of too much calcium in the body.

Make sure you take boron also, it has something to do with the calcium, but I can't remember what. I am now, instead of taking 1800 mg of calcium, [from Sam's club with crappy chemicals in it], I'm taking Solaray's calcium, mag, zinc and vit. d.

However if you are bare from the waist up and in the sun for 30 minutes, you will get your daily dose of vit d. I think it's 30 min, might be 15. This means not a cloudy day, but in the sun.

However, being in the sun also damages the macrophages, and if you're immune system is not good, you might not want to do that. Just take a pill.

Being fat or skinny doesn't matter on osteoporosis. I'm fat. Big belly, nice legs and arms. If my torso were longer like NORMAL people's!! LOL then I would be ok. but it ain't.
I've always carried around a bit more. [even in the military underweight but with a pot belly] Fat or skinny's got nothing to do with it.

And we need exercise. not just the pool, but exercise that has impact. Do NOT stop cleaning the bathroom and lifting heavy things, like Cookie said. I got scared after the doc FREAKED out over my dexa test and stopped doing stuff.
But my God is a HUGE God and he has healed me. I have stubbed my toes and not broken them. I still do take the supplements though.

And not everyone can drink dairy products. I am one. Sometimes my immune system goes down [like when I do a 'healthy trade show] and then I can't have dairy. Calcium is not always readily available or absorbed from yogurt and milk.

There are liquid calcium products 'out there'.

DO NOT not take your supplements. If you love yourself, take them. If you say you love or care about ANYONE else and you are not taking care of yourself, you are lying.

I know, I sound harsh, but I am rabid about this.

My dexa said -4.2. Don't even think I haven't researched the heck outta this. I am 52.

There is also some work that has BEEN done on sounds and osteo...lemme go find it...
dang, can't find it. do a search on Bob Beck.

vibrations supposed to strengthen bones. low tones.

but I'm only one person and can't research it all and still work.

Thinning hair? Rosacea? Eczema?
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