Ever since the osteopenia diagnosis, I've taken 1500mgs of calcium daily. Saw my GP last week and was told I didn't need to up the dose for now.

As far as childhood eating habits, I ate everything that wasn't bolted down 24/7 including tons of dairy products which I still love (although I've had to cut down because of cholesterol.) As a child, I probably consumed as much food as your average linebacker and I was skinny as a rail until puberty exploded --- so it's not like I wasn't getting enough calcium in my diet. My mother tells stories about how she was so skinny as a child and teen, the doctor ordered her to get a daily milkshake on the way home from school!

In addition, my mother was always physically very active (weight-bearing activities) and so was I. So I'd have to say this may be heredity, but definitely not from lack of nutrients, calories or exercise.