Dotsie I JUST TODAY got the results from my doctor of my first bone density test. Fortunately there were no areas of concern indicated (that's HIS language!!). It's an EASY EASY test and you don't even have to change out of your clothes and wear one of those gowns that lets things peek out that shouldn't be peeking out (haha). You lie on a very comfortable table with your knees propped up on a cushion while an x-ray machine (low dose) is guided over your torso. Then they do a further study on one hip (doesn't matter which one).

The information is put together with your "vital statistics" (height/weight) and goes into a huge database which compares your info to women of your same age/height/weight and if the x-rays show your bones to be thinner than comparative studies on others, then your doctor would discuss "what's next", i.e., supplements or medication to address osteo problems.

It took all of about 10 minutes and the only stressful moment for ME was when I was told by the nurse that I am no longer 5'7" - I have "shrunk" an inch!!!! I was assured that was totally normal for someone my age but it was kind of strange to hear...oh well...nothing stays the same as the years march onward.

If you have a family history, probably wouldn't hurt to ask your doc to send you for a test. [Wink]