That's too funny, Hannelore! Must be a good children's story in there somewhere...

I just remembered another rather bizarre twin-incident. It was at the funeral home after my Mom died. We had placed dozens of pictures of her around the room, including a large bulletin board. Many of my co-workers came in and browsed the photographs, and almost everyone of them asked me why I had a picture of "Ann" on the bulletin board (it wasn't a picture of "Ann", it was a picture of my Mom when she was in her 20's). "Ann" was a 30-something co-worker and the exact twin of my Mom when she was in her 20's. To make it even more mysterious, "Ann" was born in Newfoundland, in the same area where my Mother grew up...but when I had mentioned to "Ann" the uncanny resemblance and showed her a picture and tried to find a family connection, she very quickly excused herself and left the room and never talked to me again...within a short time of seeing the picture she resigned from her job and moved to somewhere in the Middle East. Weird, eh?

I even wondered at some point if she could be my sister. My sister had died a month after being born, when I was five years old. But when I saw the amazing resemblance between "Ann" and my mother, and especially after that bizarre encounter with "Ann", I started fantasizing that maybe my sister had been switched at birth and that "Ann" was my real sister - she was the right age.

Edited by Eagle Heart (02/05/07 01:16 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)