All right…this is embarrassing…but I'll tell my Boomer sisters anyway.

Once I was in a restaurant with my hubby. It was a small place, but I noticed there was a lager room that led through a rounded doorway. My chair stood a ways back, in the line of the doorframe. While waiting for the meal, I leaned back to take a peak into the next room. At the same time a lady leaned back in the other room to look into our room. I looked quickly away. I then told my hubby, all excited, that I think I just saw my twin! I sneaked a peak again, and so did she…Okay ladies, I'm sure you have guessed It; yes, it was a smoked mirror.

I sure hope it was the wine's fault. I hate to admit it, but it took about 5 or 6 peaks before I realized that I was giving myself that flustered stare!!!