Over 15 yrs. ago, I saw a wonderful Polish film, The double life of veronique. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Double_Life_of_V%C3%A9ronique


The movie has several sub-themes, but there is the overarching story of 2 women, unrelated by blood, but similar in interests, etc.

As the years pass by, for whatever reason, I do believe, there is another woman out there in another country, or living in different century, who is similar to me. In terms of interests, temperament and could possibly bear some smidgen of phyiscal resemblance.

Over 5 years ago, I saw in a subway crowd, ....an East Indian guy version of my partner. It was freaky. I told my partner and reminded him, the guy was just as handsome he was.

Both the movie and this subway crowd incidence has stayed with me. Just toying with strange possibilities in this world.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)