Yes, well he does like to experiment with food when he feels like it. If a guy starts talking about in great, accurate detail HOW his mother prepared certain dishes and that he does certain dishes himself, you know he wasn't just a mama's boy, but a boy who watched and helped his mother when he was growing up.

His mother is from a family of pastry chef and inn-vineyard owner in Germany since 1700's. So my partner has a right to be a food /pastry snob. She is a wealth of old German fine pastry chef her head. We cannot find English language cookbooks that cover this knowledge. It is a version of cooking that blends a bit of French cooking since his family is from near the French border.

And my partner is proud that his son an aspiring chef in a restaurant, who will carry on this family interest into the future. It is pleasure to watch a 90+ grandmother teaching her 25 yr. grandson how to make dumpfnudel, a german steamed white bun.....actually similiar to Chinese steamed buns.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)