In December, a 66-year-old Spanish woman named Carmela Bousada gave birth to premature twins in Southern California.

Bousada, a retired department store clerk who's now 67, lied about her age when she went to the fertility clinic. has said that the time wasn't right for her previously to bring children into the world.

"It's something I've always dreamed of," she told a British newspaper.

Now she's become the world's oldest new mother, joining a batch of other recent moms in their mid-50s and early 60s.
Biology and destiny long ago parted ways, and not just because women are in charge of their own fertility, deciding when, if and how to participate in the reproductive process.

It was a decade ago that medical science figured out how to circumvent the natural closure of menopause and prolong women's ability to bear children conceived using donor eggs.
Fertility specialists would have us believe this is good news, but let's not fool ourselves. Millions and millions of women across America are relieved and thrilled to move beyond their childbearing, child-rearing years.

When men father offspring late in life, no one seems particularly upset about it, mostly because the kids' mothers are clearly young enough to raise the children alone should their partners die first.

Some people are quick to congratulate golden-age dads on their continued vigor -- but others quietly consider them old goats who've condemned their new children to never having the chance to know them as real people, not just as fathers, when they're grown.

Bousada, on the other hand, is a geriatric single mother by choice. She has said she hopes to meet a younger man who'll serve as her twin sons' father.

Good luck to those little boys, who likely face a parentless life at an early age.

Now Bousada's fertility clinic doctors are upset about her blatant manipulation of them, and medical ethicists are once again debating the morality of treatments that allow women past menopause to give birth.

Peace & Blessings,
Beverly Mahone
Author, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age
“We are Strong…We are Invincible…We are Baby Boomers!”