A mom-son mini-vacation (3-4 days, if not more) is in order - a cabin by a lake, a hotel room by the beach. The first day might be rough as you learn to talk to each other again, but after a few card games - or something else he might enjoy doing with you, while you strike up casual conversation - you can reconnect. Mom needs to get inside boy's head, going from casual conversation to pointed discussions. While it's nice to have male mentors, you are the main caregiver and need to be immediately involved. To do this, you need to know where he is mentally and emotionally. What does he think of his friends? What is he looking for in a friend? How does he make friends? What does he think his future is going to be like? Does he even believe he has a future? Sometimes we parent from a distance, and because we are so busy trying to make ends meet and get responsibilitis covered, we forget why we are parents. We are our children's primary influence - or WE SHOULD BE. Often, peers and electronics stand in for us.
Parenting is hard!!!! But when we, as parents do the right things, we win, our children win and the world wins.
Best of luck!!!!