Frankly I don't give a damn for that movie. [Big Grin] I would get so annoyed with Scarlet for her behavior that I couldn't sit and enjoy it. Of course, I watched it eons ago. I did like the dresses, though. And Vivian Leigh was so pretty. Now, give me a good dose of "Princess Bride" or better yet, "Ishtar". We are big time Ishtar fans. We laugh and laugh at that stupid movie!!! We have many of the lines and songs memorized. Periodically we will have an Ishtar movie night. Haven't had one in quite a while. Fortunately for Jenni her husband, Jim, is an Ishtar lover as well. So, it works out. One night he said "This feels like an Ishtar kinda night". hahaahha Peter's wife, Liza, on the other hand just rolls her eyes and groans. We have indoctrinated many a young mind with Ishtar. LOL So, sorry ladies, no GWTW for me. I guess you will just have to color me RED!!!! [Razz]