I'm so enjoying the pics of everyone's Grands!

Hannelore, Miss Juli's dance recital is held each year in a community center, befor an audience of over six hundred. She and her class performed a tap routine, and a jazz dance number, (Miss Juli had a solo bit during the jazz number, that resulted in spontaneous applause from the audience, and you know the palms of my hands were stinging at the end of that!) and she took part in the finale, and wasn't that a sight to bring tears to all the mothers' and Nanas' and Aunties' eyes! From three year olds to young teens, performing their hearts out. The recital's theme was 'A Mother's Love', and let me tell ya, ther wasn't a dry eye in the house!

Lola, the little beauty's pic is large enough to see clearly she's a doll. And her sis, all bundled-up against the cold, a real sweetie, who reminds me of my eldest daughter, at that age. Gimster, I suppose you feel as I do, about your grandbeauty...a bit wowed! by her outer beauty, and humbled by what I see as to her inner beauty.

Sherri, if I had no blood grandchildren, I know I'd still be thought of as Nana by some. Everyone needs a Nana.

For those who mentioned the children's eyes...yes, I see it in the eyes of each grandchild pictured here...the beauty of innocence, and their little souls shining through, for us to see.

I just had to add this pic of my grandson, Joshua...He has a loving heart that is 100 times greater than his size.