Thanks but no thanks on the beans.

Worry...I think I learned to worry as a child. Looking back. I've come to the conclusion that Mom was a worry wart.

My kids may very well say the same thing about me.

How do we differentiate between worry and awakening children to consequences of their actions?

My biggest worry is the safety of my loved ones.

I have to share that the deeper my faith grows, the absolute less I worry.

The study I did a Summer ago taught me that worry is a sin. It's a waste of time. It gets us nowhere.

If you're interested, a great book to read is Calm My Anxious Heart. Linda Dillow addresses why women worry and why we need to stop. It robs us of our joy.

Worry about nothing.
Pray about everything.

Easier said than done, but the more we practice, the better we get.

Instead of dithering... simply talk to God about your concerns and He will comfort your anxious heart.

I try to replace worry for my loved ones with a simple prayer:

Lord, wrap your loving arms around my loved ones and protect them. Give me the strength to face each day.

Their protection from their Father and His grace for my strength covers everything.

Hope this helps.