Couldn't agree more....and just why weren't the shoes on the feet anyway? They were dropping from??? Never did get that one.

Oh you think you got problems? Yesterday while going thru a drive-in BBQ place (and reading while in line) I thought she said "so make that 1/2 of baked beans?" to which I said "uh huh." Got home...1/2 Gallon. 1/2 GALLON OF BAKED BEANS! THEY DON'T MAKE THAT MUCH AIR FRESHNER...Want to come over here for a visit? Didn't think so.

I was a born worrier myself back a few years ago. I worried if the stamp on the envelop I received was pasted on there crooked. Did this mean that the sender was having a bad day when they pasted it? Did I somehow contribute to this? Was I doomed? Yes, I borrowed things to worry about if my life was going smoothly...

...then Daddy got sick, Mamma got sick, and the then current love-of-my-life show a side of his personality that led to my dropping the other shoe on him and subsequently, my entire world went under. I survived it and gained a new perspective from it, and now...I leave the worry part to God mostly.

Oh I still worry bout some things from time to time...but when I do, I ask myself this, "What's the worse thing that can happen?" Usually, it's nothing life threatening, so? What's the prob? This soothes my trouble soul...I hope writing this does yours. Sometimes it helps to know you are not alone.

So...want some beans? Anybody?

[Big Grin] JJ