I'm hanging in there, chicks. I'm spending my weekend watching funny movies, eating ice cream and dreaming of ways to get rich quick. (Not to mention dreaming of Michael Keaton...the single best Bat Man ever to fling on a cape.)

I've decided that this whole little incident should be something I allow to smack me right between the eyes. I need to stop for a moment, look at my life and change some things. I guess the "c" word is as good a reason as any to do that.

If you had any idea how much time I spend worrying, you'd never believe it. I worry about money, about world events, about what other people think of me. It's crazy. I need to find a way to let it all go and breathe free without indulging the feeling that at any moment the other shoe is going to drop. Life is short. We say that all the time, but do we really hear it?

And by the way, I have no idea what the other shoe dropping even means.

'Splain it!