Sorry to hear about your experience at the doctor's office. I will be praying for you!! Waiting is so nerve wracking!!! Argh!!!

When my mother-in-law had her stroke last November, Dr. Gloom and Doom said some of the most negative, depressing things. The physician's assistant was so much better. But, the point is, (and I quote Thumper's mom on this) "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

If you are going to eat pudding, can it be chocolate and can it be the cooked kind and can you eat the skin off the top, wait, let it form again, and then eat the skin of the top again, wait, form, eat, wait form, eat. Can you tell I am on a loooooowwwwwww carb diet. Chocolate pudding......deep sigh!!