Thank you ladies.

I had a sonogram this morning. During the prodecure the technician asked me if I had cancer anywhere in my body that I was aware of.

That word that we all think about when we hear "lump" just hung there. I thought I'd be sick and I tried so hard not to cry until I could get outside to my car.

I'm embarassed that I am so upset over this and I am trying not to think about it. But, that's nearly impossible. Since she said that word, I can't think of anything else.

I'm scared. I don't want to be sick. I know that in this life, people get sick and die. That's the nature of the beast. I guess I just don't want to be one of them. I want to be somehow different.

I won't know anyting until after the weekend, so this is going to be torture. I'm hoping it will be something silly and simple and I'll come back here to tell you what a goof I was for worrying.

If you pray for me, just ask God to send me strength to face the waiting and whatever the outcome with grace so that I won't upset my family.

I'm really glad I can come here. I'm thankful for each of you.