THE CAKE!!!! That turned out to be a carry on indeed TVC. My friend was getting it made professionally for our be collected on the morning of the ceremony!! Bless her, when she went to fetch it to bring it from my home town to Belfast....apparently it did not look fit for human consumption! They had iced it in chocolate icing...which was not what she payed for(or asked for!!). My poor freind was so upset and had to stop at a mall to pick up two little cakes(the original was to feed sixty/seventy)...she was in bits. After the ceremony...she came up to me with another freind...doing all the usual, remarking on how wonderful things were...and how it was a pity about the cake!!! She saw my face and realized that I had not been informed.!!!
At that point...what was the use in getting all queenie about it!!!
Hense, the 'quaint little' cake.

The kids enjoyed it anyhow.

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love