Popea, did you think YOU had the wrong date? Ha ha...I posted under girlfriends, cause that's what we all are. There was no forum for weddings...And marriage? Well, that's for us oldies, and there was more risk that it would be covered up.

I remember the day I got married. It poured. And when we left the townhouse portals, we had to wait a while to be able to cross the street, for a herd of mooing cows were being led to their stables. After they passed, we played 'doge – the - cow- dung' to get to the other side. We all made it across, except my brother-in-law- who slipped and sat smack in the middle of a pile of cow sh…

So no matter the weather, or what mishaps the day may bring; remember if our marriage survived those bad omens; …you'll survive anything.