L.m.a.o...I would be livid Merideth...I am soooo queenie about my hair. You have taken this in such good humor. It reminded me of when I got my hair stuck to a long string of tree bark!!! I was living in a womens refuge at the time...I ended up, stuck to a tree, in a park about to close....by the time I managed to get free....the gates were locked..I had to climb the wall and jump over...straight into the arms of two police men!!! When I got home to the refuge...my fellow fugee's did all sorts to me, to no avail!!!
The staff returned the next day and everyone just found the whole episode hysterical.
I spent the whole morning in the hair-dressers sobbing. Perming lotion was the only thing that would shift the stuff(I had been growing my hair for about three years...but thankfully didn't have to get it cut)...I then needed to have it coloured!! So now I have just remembered why I am so queenie about my hair!! The truth Merideth pet!!

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love