Well, I just had my 40th High School reunion this past October and we had a DJ and a lovely luncheon and door prizes and a 50-50 raffel . We were a large class of 800 that graduated that year and it was hard to get to know everyone . I did find that being chairman of the reunions committee it gave me lots of time to meet new friends and find some old friends that I had not seen in years and made contact with . there is a web site if that Okay with Dotsie that you can fine old classmates www.classmates.com

I went to an all girls high school at that time in the 60's which was unsual for a city high school . It was not a private school . There is even a book written about this high school . There was a all boys high school across the campus from us . Did we dare venture some of us did .

Good times ,


Edited by Renee (01/28/07 03:11 AM)
Courage is very important
Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use .