Dotsie, I'm actually not sure I actually have a "devotional" book. I have several of those "thought per day" books, but they're just not providing much inspiration these days.

This morning I started rereading "Hind's Feet on High Places". It's a very old book that I read when I was a teenager. It's not quite as rich as Never Alone was for where I'm at right now, but I'm enjoying anyway. What would you suggest in the way of devotional books, Dotsie?

Mona, I can't even imagine writing another book right now - with 30+ boxes of "Eagle" still sitting in my basement and my children's book manuscript sitting on the publisher's desk (going on 8 months now) waiting for the illustrator to do something (can't go ahead without her), I'm so not interested in getting all caught up in that whole nightmare again. (Though I still love to write, I detest the whole administrative end of it).

Anyway, we'll see what comes out of this whole cancer thing. Once this is all over, I'll have to decide what to do with my time. Having been so busy all these months, I won't be able to go back to doing "nothing" again. So something new is bound to evolve out of all of this in terms of my future endeavors.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)