Chick, You'll enjoy this one. You have to understand that my brother is fairly heavily drugged - morphine, narcotics, etc, to help alleviate the pain so he can rest. So he sleeps most of the time and when he's not asleep, he's very "discombobulated" (his word for it) and can't think straight.

Today the nurse came in to hang yet another bottle of medicine on his pump...she told him it was Albumen (a blood protein). Gary's eyes opened up wide and he said, "My God, am I kissing the cod now?"

My immediate reaction was fear, that it was a euphemism for "am I dying?" So he looked at me, and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, albumen IS a fish, isn't it?"

Then I realized he was talking about the Newfie "screeching" tradition - you kiss a cod and then get "screeched" (it's a Newfie drink, supposedly reserved only for those who have actually kissed a codfish).

Well, I howled with delight. So did the nurse. I'm telling you, though he's never even been to Newfoundland, his Newfie blood (humour) is "screeching" out in the most delightful way these days!!!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)